Nervous System
- Recepetion of information
- integration and analysis of the incoming information
- generation of new signals
- conduction of these neural messages to special response tissue (effectors)
- Central Nervous System (CNS)
- Brain
- Spinal cord
- Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
- All nerves and other parts outside the CNS
- consists of 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 31 pairs of spinal nerves
Neuronal structure
- Cell body - nucleus, cytoplasm, organelles
- Dendrites - highly branched, receive signals
- Axon - conducts away from cell body toward another neuron, muscle, or gland
- Axon terminals - contain synaptic vesicles that can release neurotransmitters

Neuroglia for myelination
- Oligodendrocyte
- Schwann cell
- Astrocyte
Structure of myelinated axons

Conduction of nerve impulses
Arrows show the flow of action currents in local circuits into the active region of the membrane
- unmyelinated
The circuits flow throught the adjacaent piece of membrane - myelinated
The circuit flow jumps to the next node
Continuous conduction (unmyelinated fibers)

Saltatory conduction (myelinated fibers)

Myelin (~70% lipid, 30% protein)
Biosynthesis of glycosphinogolipids
Ceramide, the precursor for galactolipids, gangliosides, and sphingomyelin
- oligodendrocytes in the CNS
- broad, flat cell processes that wrap around axons, but cell bodies do not surround the axons
- no neurilemma is formed
- little regrowth after injury is possible due to the lack of a distinct tube or neurilemma
Myelination in CNS

Myelination in PNS
Myelin formation in the peripheral nervous system
- Schwann cell surrounds the axon but the external surfaces of the plasma membrane have not yet fused in the mesaxon
- The mesaon has fused into a five-layered structure and spiraled once around the axon
- A few layers of myelin have formed but are not yet compacted
- Compact myelin showing only a few layers for the sake of clarity
Myelinated and unmyelinated axons in PNS
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- Progressive Relapsing MS (PRMS)
Steady decline since onset with super-imposed attacks - Secondary Progressive MS (SPMS)
Initial RRMS that suddenly begins to decline without periods of remission and relapse - Primary Progressive MS (PPMS)
Gradual progression of the disease from its onset with no relapses or remissions - Relapsing/Remitting MS (RRMS) (80~85%)
Unpredictable attacks that may or may not leave permanent deficits followed by periods of remission
Pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis
- Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS)
a method of quantifying disability in multiple sclerosis based on eight functional systems (FS)- Pyramidal (ability to walk)
- Cerebellar (coordination)
- Brainstem (speech, swallowing)
- Sensory (touch, pain)
- Bowel and bladder
- Visual
- Mental
- Other (any other neurological findings)
- Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis
- oligoclonal bands
- elevated IgG index
- abnormal colloidal gold curve
- mild mononuclear pleocytosis
- myelin debris
- normal or slightly elevated protein
- Blood tests
- Two generally accepted strategies
- peventing CNS damage indirectly through immunomodulatory interventions (by reducing inflammation that causes axon damage in the acute and possibly chronic lesion)
- repairing the CNS damage by promoting remyelination (by restoring functionality of the myelin sheath on which axonal health depends)
Axon regeneration in CNS and PNS
Classification of nerve injury
Severed axons in the PNS can regenerate but severed axons in the CNS cannot
What happens to the cell body?
- Chromatolysis
- Nissl substance or RER dissolute and decrease in cytoplasmatic basophilia
- Nucleus assumes an eccentric position and the whole body swells
- The closer the injury is to the body the more severe the swelling
- Transneuronal degeneration
- Occurs in neuronal bodies that have been deprived of their input or output
- This can be either anterograde or retrograde
Neuronal responses to axotomy
Trans-neural degeneration
Various forms of axonal degeneration
Wallerian axon degeneration
Neuronal injury in CNS and PNS
Formation of a retraction bulb and its rescue
Glial inhibitors and intracellular signaling mechanisms (CNS)
Degeneration and regeneration after peripheral nerve injury (PNS)
- Normal nerve fiber, maintaining synaptic contact with target cells
- Wallerian degeneration
- Schwann cells in the distal segment line up in bands of burgner
Axonal sprouts advance embedded in the Schwann cell and attracted by gradients of neurotrophic factors - Axonal reconnection with end organs and maturation and remyelination of the nerve fiber
Difficulties in CNS regeneration
- Dense glia scar in the injured part
- Axon disables to penetrate the densed glia scar
- No effective clearance of the debris around the injured axon by macrophage (BBB)
- No band of burgner (no de-differentiation of Schwann cells)
Glial Scar
- Regeneration strategies
Cellular replacement
Neural regeneration in CNS
- Regeneration strategies
Neurotrophic factor delivery
Cocktail of neurotrophic factors combination
- GDNF (Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor)
- BDNF (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor)
- NT-3 (Neurotrophin-3)
- BDNF (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor)
- NGF (Nerve growth factor)
inject into the Nerve conduits
- Regeneration strategies
Manipulation of intracellular signaling
Intracellular mediators of axon growth
- Regeneration strategies
Axon guidance and removal of growth
Modulation of the immune response