


1. Graphs

Define a graph

A pair of sets G=(V,E)G=(V, E) such that E{{u,v}u,vV}E \subseteq \{\{u, v\} | u, v \in V\}

Some notations

  • V(G)V(G): vertix set
    elements of VV are called vertices / nodes / points
    e.g. V(G)={a,b,c,d}V(G) = \{a, b, c, d\}
  • E(G)E(G): edge set
    elements of EE are called edges / arcs / lines
    e.g. E(G)={ab,ac,ad,bc,bd}E(G) = \{ab, ac, ad, bc, bd\}
  • Incident: vv is incident with ee if vev \in e
    The set of all edges incident with a vertex vv is denoted by E(v)E(v)
  • Adjacent / Neighbouring: u,vu, v are adjacent if {u,v}E\{u, v\} \in E
  • Indepedent / Stable set: u,vu, v are independent if {u,v}E\{u, v\} \notin E

Types of graphs

  • ϕ\phi: empty graph
  • Trivial graph: graph of order 0 or 1


  • Induced subgraph: subgraph of GG with some vertices removed, and all edges between them removed as well.
  • Spanning subgraph: subgraph of GG with all vertices of GG
  • Line graph: subgraph of GG with all edges of GG
  • Improper subgraph: subgraph of GG with all edges of GG, otherwise proper subgraph.

Properties of graphs

  • Complete: every pair of distinct vertices are adjacent, denoted by KnK_n


Let G=(V,E),G=(V,E)G=(V,E), G'=(V',E') be graphs.
A homomorphism from GG to GG' is a function ψ:VV\psi: V\to V' such that xyEψ(x)ψ(y)Exy \in E \Rightarrow \psi(x)\psi(y) \in E'


If ψ\psi is a bijection and its inverse image is a homomorphism, then ψ\psi is an isomorphism and GG is isomorphic to GG', written as GGG \cong G'

Degree of a vertex

Let G=(V,E)G=(V,E) be a non-empty graph.

  • N(v)N(v): The set of neighbours of a vertex vv
  • d(v)d(v) or dG(v)d_{G}(v): The degree or valency of a vertex vv
    • isolated vertex: A vertex of degree 0 is called an
    • Δ(G)\Delta(G): The maximum degree of GG
    • δ(G)\delta(G): The minimum degree of GG
    • k-regular / regular: All vertices of GG have the same degree

Some Formula

  • Average degree of GG: d(G):=1VvVd(v)\displaystyle d(G) := \frac{1}{|V|}\sum_{v\in V}d(v)
  • E=12vVd(v)=12vVd(v)V\displaystyle |E| = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{v\in V}d(v)=\frac{1}{2}\sum_{v\in V}d_(v) \cdot |V|

Prop. 2.1
As E=12vVd(v)\displaystyle |E| = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{v\in V}d(v) is an integer, vVd(v)\displaystyle \sum_{v\in V}d(v) is even

Prop. 2.2
Every graph GG with at least one edge has a subgraph HH with δ(H)ε(H)ε(G)\delta(H)\geq \varepsilon (H)\geq \varepsilon (G)

Paths and cycles


Non-empty graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E)
A sequence of vertices v0,v1,,vnv_0, v_1, \cdots, v_n such that vivi+1Ev_iv_{i+1}\in E for 0in10\leq i\leq n-1

  • walk: A sequence of vertices v0,v1,,vnv_0, v_1, \cdots, v_n such that vivi+1Ev_iv_{i+1}\in E for 0in10\leq i\leq n-1
  • trail: A walk with no repeated edges
  • circuit: A walk with no repeated vertices except thefirst and last


A circuit with no repeated edges except the first and last

  • Girth: The minimum length of a cycle
  • Circumference: The maximum length of a cycle
  • Chord: An edge joining two vertices of a cycle but not part of the cycle
  • Distance: The length of the shortest path between two vertices
  • Diameter: The maximum distance between two vertices

Prop. 1.3
Every graph GG contains a path of length δ(G)\delta(G) and a cycle of length at least δ(G)+1\delta(G)+1

Prop. 1.4
A graph GG of radius at most kk and maximum degree at most d3d\geq 3 has fewer than d(d1)kd2\displaystyle \frac{d(d-1)^k}{d-2} vertices

Thm. 1.5
Let GG be a graph.
If d(G)d2d(G)\geq d\geq 2 and g(G)gNg(G)\geq g\in \mathbb{N}, then Gn0(d,g)|G|\geq n_0(d,g)

Cor. 1.6
If δ(G)3\delta(G)\geq 3 then G<2logG|G|<2\log|G|


  • Connected: A graph is connected if there is a path between every pair of vertices
  • Component: A maximal connected subgraph, it is also a induced subgraph

Thm. 1.7
Let 0kN0\neq k\in \mathbb{N}.
Every graph GG with d(G)4kd(G)\geq 4k has a (k+1)(k+1)-connected subgraph HH with ϵ(H)ϵ(G)k\epsilon(H)\geq \epsilon(G)-k

Trees and forests

  • Forest: A graph with no cycles
  • Tree: A connected forest
  • Leaf: A vertex of degree 1
  • Root: A vertex of degree d=1d=1, such tree is called a rooted tree
  • Chain: The down-closure of every vertex

The following assertions are equivalent for a graph TT:

  1. TT is a tree
  2. Any two vertices of TT are linked by a unique path in TT
  3. TT is minimally connected, i.e. TT is connected but TeT-e is disconnected for any eE(T)e\in E(T)
  4. TT is maximally acyclic, i.e. TT contains no cycle but T+xyT+xy does for any two non-adjacent vertices x,yTx, y\in T

Bipartite graphs

A graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) is r-bipartite : VV admits a partition into r classes such that every edge has its end in different classes

Complete bipartite graph

An r-bipartite graph with every two vertices from different partitions are adjacent, denoted by Km,nK_{m,n}

  • star: K1,nK_{1,n}
  • centre: The vertex in the singleton partition class of a star

A graph is bipartite if and only if it contains no odd cycle